Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Diary of a Gifted Kid

“Finally – an open ended question! This reminds of last week when I went to the museum...”

“Why are we doing this question again? We did this yesterday, and last year for that matter.”

“Group work, bleh. Now I have to teach... no... give the answers to all of the other kids. Maybe Mr. Smith will just let me work alone.”

“My work is never good enough, no matter how hard I try.”

“Ahhh math class. Something I am actually good at.”

“Oh. I know the answer but I'd better not raise my hand again, or Billy is going to throw my bookbag in the river after school.”

“Why should I have to do this easy work?Forget it, I'm just going to read a book instead.”

“Geez my classmates are dumb. Why don't they just understand this drivel?”

“I am so bored. Oh, here we go again. Singled out because I look bored. Whoopee, free time on the computer.”

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